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A new day to come, and a new group of people to come in

In three weeks time, a lot has happened.

1.) One volunteer resigned.

2.) DDI returned the blankets from January (finally)

3.) A family of people have started volunteering

4.) DDI has offered to help with the organizing situation.

Let's skip ahead to the fourth subject on the list; organizing. Now, I know you've all heard of HabitRPG (being that it's in almost every post), but have you heard of ChoreWars? Well now you have. Someone on Ravelry posted last week about ChoreWars and I decided to check it out... and then implement it into The Re-organization Project. Now, today I started a ChoreWars account and added a ton of tasks to it which coincide with paper task strips for DDI. DDI has started out on the right foot regarding cleaning. I made up a whole system for this!

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My name is Sam.  I am the Founder of March of the Blankeeters

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